The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Thursday 2 June 2011

Who needs a kidney when you can have an iPad! YAYYY..owwww still hurts.

17 year Chinese boy sells his kidney for $3,400, for an iPad...WHY WON'T IT READ!?

'Without telling his family of his plans, he traveled north from his home in the eastern Anhui province to a hospital in the city of Chenzhou in Hunan province, where he was operated on under the supervision of a kidney-selling agent'

Apple's got us by the balls and kidneys 

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Jeepers Creepers...not again?! Word play!

I won't lie, I was quite young when I experienced the first Jeepers Creepers, and the creepy man/flying thing FREAKED ME OUT. This was until the second in the movie franchise, where you wondered...hey there are quite a number of years to chop that thing in to pieces and burn it during its 'hibernation'. But no, at the end of the second film you are left with a redneck just pointing his shotgun at the thing, waiting for it to come alive again and out of hibernation. 3rd unofficially coming out 2013

Yoko talks shit on twitter.

I accept John being a hipster because Beatles were bigger than Jesus (according to John).  <3

Does anyone follow Yoko on Twitter? Spoiler- it's the worst hipster nonsense that you wouldn't even wish upon your worst enemy.  

'There are one thousand suns rising every day. We only see one of them because of our fixation on monolithic thinking.' Yoko



Apparently this is a trend, which proves to me we are running out of trend-like ideas. I am not quite sure how it works, all I know is that people are weird.

What did you do Saturday night?

This is a picture of a store in America that has a soda can lay out of your favorite Italian plumbers!

Who are YOU gonna call?....If this all goes terribly wrong.

I am a firm believer in Bill Murray being a God. Ghostbusters has to be one of the all time greats. Ghostbusters 3 however...boils fear into me more than any ghost. Anna Faris rumored, even more so. Can we call the Ghostbusters to fix that? Ghostbusters 3 is rumored to be coming out in 2012. I have confused feelings about a crush on a 1st cousin.

Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Hobbit!

This is the coolest picture I have ever seen. Release of 'An Unexpected Journey' will be December 14, 2012. If the world ends before this, I will be SO MAD.

I'd rather get a scolding for my tardiness than lose 100 dollars

Imagine starting your Monday with screwing yourself over! An awesome way to boost those office morning attitudes. Here is a new alarm clock that will nom nom on your hard earned monies if you don't get up fast enough in the mornings.

Hipsters nonsense

Don't look at the camera, for god sakes, if you do, never smile. Most importantly, carry a camera on hand for when the opportunity comes up that you can get a photo of you taking a photo.